Why solar?
Unlocking the potential of 173 million continuous (and free) megawatts of power from our local star
The energy landscape
Solar panels work by converting light energy into electricity. The source of this energy – the sun – is virtually limitless and can be accessed from anywhere on the planet. Alongside providing energy independence, solar panels reduce our need to burn greenhouse-gas emitting fossil fuels that are the cause of climate change.

An affordable solution
With the significant fall in panel costs over the last 15 years, solar has become one of the cheapest sources of energy. On a levelised basis, power from solar now costs less than half that produced by even the most modern gas turbine, and without any of the harmful emissions and pollutants.
The International Energy Agency predicts that solar power could overtake coal to become the leading energy source worldwide by as early as 2025, and go on to cement its place as the World’s single largest energy source through 2050. At Elements Green, we’re hard at work to make this happen.
Solar benefits for landowners
Solar developments can pay competitive, contracted rent for the farmland that hosts them. This rent delivers returns whatever the vagaries of the weather, pests, input or commodity prices. Our leases are usually for up to 40-years, providing intergenerational financial security for our landowners and their families.
Additionally, studies have found that a break in the application of fertilisers and pesticides to the land can significantly improve soil health and water runoff over the long term – rejuvenating the topsoil and ensuring that the land is ready to be cultivated again upon end-of-lifetime decommissioning of our plants.
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Why invest in solar?
Solar plants offer very stable returns on investment – the sun has risen every day as expected (so far!). Additionally, solar requires very little ongoing expenditure as there is no need to purchase or transport fuel or water and no moving parts that need constant maintenance.
As a result, solar has become a very popular investment – whether for homeowners or utility scale ground-mounted systems. Financial institutions are comfortable with the asset class, and therefore a wide variety of financial packages are available to secure investment in Solar.