Partner with us
Securing your future: long-term partnerships for sustainable energy solutions and business stability
Your local energy experts
We offer global expertise at a local level: our team of dynamic and adaptable specialists is supported by a global network of expert partners. This enables us to provide in-depth analysis and comprehensive evaluation of potential renewable energy projects, as well as to seamlessly execute the full project lifecycle, from origination, through planning, technical and EPC.
We deliver a stable and reliable income: we partner with farmers and landowners across the globe. By offering contracted long-term rent agreements at sector-leading rates, we are able to provide a stable and reliable income stream to those with livelihoods tied to their land.
We take care of everything: we make this process simple. We manage everything from start to finish and make this as streamlined a journey as possible. We cut out the jargon - you will always know what is happening at every stage of development.
We respect the community: we make time for local communities affected by the arrival of renewable energy facilities. We are sensitive and respectful of their concerns and do everything we can to alleviate them.
We strive for Biodiversity Net Gain: an essential aspect of our development philosophy is striving for biodiversity net gain in all our projects. This concept measures our success in enhancing the biodiversity of an area, surpassing the pre-existing levels of ecological diversity

Landowners’ FAQ
For solar - Landowners with at least fifty acres/twenty hectares of land in a reasonably flat, well-screened area away from large towns. We typically look for lower-grade agricultural land located outside the green belt, AONB, SSSI or National Parks.
For energy storage – Landowners with between five and thirty acres/two and fifteen hectares of land in a reasonably flat, well-screened area within five miles/eight kilometres of an existing electrical substation.
There are very few. We secure (and pay for) all commercial agreements and planning consents. We screen the proposed site for potential legal or planning constraints, then carry out all required planning studies and examination, community consultations and meetings with the local authority.
One of the first things we do is investigate the potential to connect your project to the local or national grid network. We negotiate the grid connection agreement and undertake all stages of the journey, from the ordering of transformers and switchgear, through to the final solar farm switch-on and compliant commissioning.
We will work closely with your lawyer and land agent to arrange the long-term lease deal and cover all legal expenses. We finance, develop, construct and maintain the project.
If you think a renewable project is suitable for your site, we want to hear from you. There is no obligation to proceed, and all projects start with an informal chat so you can get to grips with the proposal and understand every part of the journey towards energy security.
Es besteht die Möglichkeit auf dem Flurstück eine Photovoltaikanlage zu errichten.
Der Pachtvertrag läuft zunächst über 25 Jahre und kann nach dieser Zeit jeweils zwei Mal um fünf Jahre verlängert werden. Somit ergibt sich eine maximale Laufzeit von 35 Jahren.
Der Pachtvertrag mit dem/r bisherigen Pächter:in ist vorerst nicht betroffen. Wir setzen uns mit Ihrem Pächter:innen in Verbindung und treffen mit diesem eine Vereinbarung, so dass dieser ebenfalls für die Nichtausübung seines Pachtrechts eine Entschädigung erhält. Der bisherige Pachtvertrag kann in diesem Falle erhalten bleiben.
Sie erhalten jährlich eine projektabhängige Pacht in Höhe von mindestens 3000€.
Für den Pachtvertrag ist zwingend das Einverständnis aller Eigentümer:innen notwendig. Wir setzen uns daher mit allen Eigentümer:innen in Verbindung.
Bitte informieren Sie uns in diesem Fall zeitnah über den Erbfall, und lassen Sie uns die neuen Eigentümerdaten zukommen!
Die Kosten für die notarielle Beurkundung und die Grundbucheintragung werden vollständig von uns übernommen.
Nach Ende der Laufzeit wird die Anlage vorschriftsmäßig abgebaut und eventuell abgetragener Boden durch neuen Boden ersetzt. Das Flurstück wird mindestens in den nutzbaren Zustand wie vor dem Anlagenbau zurück versetzt.
Für diesen Fall gibt es eine Rückbauversicherung.
Per l'energia solare - Proprietari terrieri con almeno cinquanta acri / venti ettari di terreno in un'area ragionevolmente pianeggiante e ben schermata lontano dalle grandi città. In genere cerchiamo terreni agricoli di qualità inferiore che si trovano al di fuori della cintura verde, AONB, SSSI o parchi nazionali.
Per lo stoccaggio di energia - Proprietari terrieri con tra cinque e trenta acri / due e quindici ettari di terreno in un'area ragionevolmente pianeggiante e ben schermata entro cinque miglia / otto chilometri da una sottostazione elettrica esistente.
Ce ne sono pochissimi. Garantiamo (e paghiamo) tutti gli accordi commerciali e i consensi di pianificazione. Esaminiamo il sito proposto per potenziali vincoli legali o di pianificazione, quindi eseguiamo tutti gli studi e gli esami di pianificazione richiesti, le consultazioni della comunità e le riunioni del consiglio con l'autorità locale.
Una delle prime cose che facciamo è studiare il potenziale per collegare il tuo progetto alla rete locale o nazionale. Negoziamo il contratto di connessione alla rete e intraprendiamo tutte le fasi del viaggio, dall'ordinazione di trasformatori e quadri elettrici, fino all'accensione finale del parco solare e alla messa in servizio conforme.
Lavoreremo a stretto contatto con il tuo avvocato e gli agenti immobiliari per organizzare il contratto di locazione a lungo termine e coprire tutte le spese legali. Finanziamo, sviluppiamo, costruiamo e manteniamo il progetto.
Se pensi che un progetto rinnovabile sia adatto al tuo sito, vogliamo sentirti. Non c'è alcun obbligo di procedere, e tutti i progetti iniziano con una chiacchierata informale in modo da poter fare i conti con la proposta e comprendere ogni parte del viaggio verso la sicurezza energetica.